Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3D Dot Game Heroes

So I just got this game for PS3, 3d Dot Game Heroes. As all the playable characters (and entire world) are made of pixel blocks, they let you make your own character. So of course, I just had to make a little SD RX-78-2. On the back, which you can't see, I have the beam sabers and the backpack. Since they give you some choices for attack animations, I put one of beam sabers in the hand when it attacks. Too bad I can't make the shield too!

Anyone else have this game? It's obviously not too original (except for the art style), but it's pretty fun (cheaper than most games too!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

GN-X Upper Half Done

Just finished the waist and arms/shoulders, which leaves only the legs and equipment left to build, so I'd say I'm about half done. These components were pretty straight forward to build, nothing complicated or special (as there aren't many gimmicks to this kit).

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

GN-X Gets Ahead

Finished the head! To keep up my trend of trying not to use the foil stickers, I painted the eyes as well as the surfaces below the purple sensor. The purple I had was a little to dark (it didn't contrast much with the black) so I mixed it with silver. I like the results for now, but I can always touch it more up later. Painted the vulcans titanium gold.

Monday, May 3, 2010

GN-X Start!

Well, I never did finish up painting Sinanju's shield (I still plan to though), but I thought starting a new kit might get me out of my Gunpla slump. So here we have a MG GN-X torso! I thought about starting MG Zeta 2.0 but I thought the kit might be a little large to ease back into Gunpla (it's been a month after all) and plus, GN-X was the most popular on the poll!